At a full line-size heavy, GOLD MAX is RIO’s most powerful all-around taper for delivering plus-size rigs that get bites in fisheries not centered around long leaders and tiny drys. With the shortest head length in the GOLD class, MAX is purpose-built for smoothly loading weightier, unwieldy payloads. The short head carries more weight toward the back of the body so anglers can turn over heavier rigs more efficiently, while the shorter front taper combined with tapered body roll-casts bulkier rigs with ease, mends effortlessly at distance and delivers large drys with finesse. For powerful versatility, GOLD MAX lets you cast more weight under control, while also allowing for presentations decidedly cleaner than overly front-loaded line configurations.
Choose GOLD MAX for Maximum Power + Effortless Performance.
43R19916 | RIO ELITE GOLD MAX | WF4F |
43R19917 | RIO ELITE GOLD MAX | WF5F |
43R19918 | RIO ELITE GOLD MAX | WF6F |
43R19919 | RIO ELITE GOLD MAX | WF7F |
43R19920 | RIO ELITE GOLD MAX | WF8F |
43R19921 | RIO ELITE GOLD MAX | WF9F |